Business Diaries

Business Pitch : Bright Wheel ( An all in one Classroom management and business tool)

May 21, 2018

Bright wheel This Shark Tank pitch was unusually mellow; the exchange between entrepreneur and investor was clear and concise and i enjoyed watching all the way. Here’s 5 things i picked from this entrepreneur’s ( Dave Vasen ) pitch presentation. 1)  He transformed a personal need into a business (Bright Wheel). 2) He spotted an opportunity […]

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The diary of Biznessvirgin : Be Patient not comfortable

May 11, 2018

Business diary In 2017, i learnt to become effective with my tasks, i always got everything that mattered done in good quality time, However, recently, this has been a struggle. After reviewing my performance in the first quarter of 2018, i realized i was not getting much done ; i delegate more now (this works […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Adult coloring, monefy……

March 23, 2018

I am currently into coloring,hmmm yes,adult coloring !!! First time I heard of adult coloring was few years ago, i was not at all interested; i saw it as a fad ,however recently while researching i came across it again ,thought to try it out this time. So far i have found it soothing. Research […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Motion

March 12, 2018

A while ago, my business (alongside many other things in my life) hit rock bottom,  i was faced with a dilemma and even as I considered a couple of options, i realized, quitting can be just as tough as fighting. Here’s few of the many options i considered at that time 1) Getting a 9-5 […]

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Pitch of the month : Partie Pouche group (WATCH)

February 26, 2018

Business pitch Haven pitched my business to investors a couple of times, i am able to relate with this particular pitch. It reminds me of myself a couple of years ago. “New born” entrepreneurs need passion, optimism and enthusiasm to get ahead but must never get blinded by it. Its important entrepreneurs stay in touch […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Phone addiction and Marketing..

February 12, 2018

`Digital detox Just found out i spent over 43 hours (about 2 days ) on my phone this past week 👀 , not sure if this qualifies as nomophobia, however i know its a situation that needs to be checked . In perspective, i spent 25% of my time last week on the phone and after […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Personal productivity tools

January 29, 2018

Personal productivity tools I started having lower back pains sometime last year, this made me change my sitting position and  start posture exercises . The posture exercises have been quite helpful with the pain ; thought to share a few posture exercises for people who might just be having the same issues as me… photo […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Set the tone…..

January 21, 2018

Business diary Happy New Year !!!  I feel so alive and refreshed, its amazinggggg . My last post was in November and though i struggled to put up regular posts these past weeks, i never got to it. December is always a busy time for business and in between i had to deal with an […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Dear New Born Entrepreneur …

October 13, 2017

 So many insecurities come with leaving a 9-5 Job to become an entrepreneur ; The challenges faced doing 9-5 jobs are quite different from what is faced running a business.I’ve never had to make this switch so i cannot say i know all it takes to , however, recently i got the opportunity to provide […]

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Pitch of the month (WATCH) – Nasal Screen

September 27, 2017

Nasal screen Watch Video: Check out the sharks (investors) initial reaction to the entrepreneur’s idea however his sales figures immediately caught their attention and the tables turned. This entrepreneur created an unusual product and went all the way to find a market to pay for it. An idea is worth nothing till it is transformed […]

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