
The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Personal productivity tools

January 29, 2018

Personal productivity tools I started having lower back pains sometime last year, this made me change my sitting position and  start posture exercises . The posture exercises have been quite helpful with the pain ; thought to share a few posture exercises for people who might just be having the same issues as me… photo […]

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The diary of Biznessvirgin : Dear Entrepreneurs, build your network…

June 23, 2017

The moment i chose to see life as a journey it became “sweeter”. I started to make an extra conscious effort to be present in every moment; I began to appreciate the very simple things. This in turn made me see how people have defined my journey so far . I have come to realize […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin: The vision board challenge

March 9, 2017

Mid 2016, i listed roles i wanted to define me as an individual; at that time i was only 2 of the 8 roles i listed. Fast forward to 2017, i have progressively taken up all 8 roles quite easily, this has been mostly because i consciously pay attention to becoming them such that i […]

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The diary of a Biznessvirgin : Personal effectiveness

October 17, 2016

I have always wanted to be a brilliant entrepreneur so through the years i put in lots of effort and even when nothing worked i kept going .This makes writing this post very emotional for me,i am reminded of how much frustration i had to go through to get it right and now that i […]

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Practical steps for personal effectiveness as an entrepreneur (2)

October 17, 2016

Here is the follow up and concluding post on personal effectiveness in business  Read the first post here https://biznessvirgins.blogspot.com.ng/2016/10/personal-effectiveness.html photo credit : www.life-coaching-insights.com -Organise your tasks ,get rid of distraction. -Review your list of tasks regularly (daily,weekly…) to determine progress and distractions,this allows you know if you are making progress and/or focusing on the right things.It […]

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Practical steps for personal effectiveness as an entrepreneur (1)

October 17, 2016

Personal effectiveness means making the most of resources available to you (such as talent,energy,time…) to develop your capacity and achieve personal objectives/goals. photo credit; www.life-coaching-insights.com Personal effectiveness sets the tone for success in business and personal relationships Here are practical steps to personal effectiveness -Take responsibility of your emotions and time.No one can use or […]

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The diary of a biznessvirgin – Dear entrepreneur ,Cash is king

August 9, 2016

It took losing my seed capital to understand the statement “Cash is king “. My very first business involved making supplies to companies,items supplied were taken on credit with a 2-3 week timeline for payment , most of the companies always defaulted.It took them as long as 3 months to pay up ,in some cases […]

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Tips for effective leadership in business

August 8, 2016

  As an entrepreneur ,Its important to know that the quality of your work is highly dependent on the quality of your leadership.No matter how strong or skillful you are in business,you cannot do the work alone,you need people to work with you and for you. In my country , Nigeria, MSMEs (micro,small and medium […]

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