Dear Entrepreneur, Ten (10) things you should know about Digital Marketing (online marketing) ….

Digital marketing

People spend twice as much time online as they used to 12 years ago.

More than ever it has now become important for entrepreneurs to plan out online marketing efforts. This does not necessarily have to involve a lot of money however it requires dedication.

Having the right knowledge lets you coordinate your online marketing efforts appropriately.

If you own a business you are trying to market online, Here’s Ten (10) things you need to know about Digital Marketing


Digital marketing
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– Effective digital marketing requires strategy: this should involve audience acquisition,engagement/interaction and conversion. This strategy must be measured ,evaluated,refined and improved on a regular basis.

– Search engine optimization improves the chances of your business being found through search engines such as google,bing and yahoo.

– A website is like a piece of real estate on the internet.

– Finding and retaining the right audience is highly dependent on the quality of content you push out: its important to use grammar your audience understand and can easily relate with.

– Consistent addition of fresh content to your blog improves its chances of higher ranking on search engines.

– Build a website that can be easily viewed and interacted with on different screen sizes especially mobile devices. 60%  the time people spend on the internet ,they do so on mobile devices especially mobile phones.

– Digital marketing strategies should be measurable, it is important to measure the impact of your strategy. It is difficult to improve what you cannot measure.

– There are  tracking pixels on websites, they can be used to track visitors such that its easy to reach out to them time and again with relevant ads.

– The social media platforms you use should create a direct and close interaction  with your audience. It should keep you close to them and help you connect and engage with them too. Identify the right social media platform(s) to best connect with your audience . Be aware of whats going on in your industry within the social media space.

– Useful digital marketing tools include  blogs, websites, social media platforms, google analytics , hootsuite , mailchimp ….

To get started with digital marketing read more here

Effective digital marketing strategies eventually translate to significant increase in revenue for businesses, It is definitely worth all the effort if you want your business to thrive online .

Digital marketing

Diary of a biznessvirgin – New born entrepreneur

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