The diary of a Biznessvirgin – Real life entrepreneurship

I cannot ignore my many mistakes in business and though i am not so proud of some of them , i own them,i embrace them and i choose to build my success story around them.
As a matter of decision, i take more interest in mistakes people made before becoming successful in business,therein lies substance for me.

become an entrepreneur
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Here are a few things my mistakes in business have taught me –

1) building and sustaining a business is about being intentional.
2) Having information improves the quality of my decisions and makes me more intentional
3) Its important to manage relationships ,always build bridges, never burn bridges.
4)  Set out time to take care of yourself, Total wellbeing (body,spirit and soul) is important .
5) I am never empty, I always have something to work with,i just need to look within

It is impossible to totally eradicate mistakes in business,it is however possible to avoid certain mistakes and or minimize their impacts

These days,in as much as i try to control my mistakes,whenever i do make them, they serve as learning points , i analyse them thoroughly as i move on. I like to call this “failing forward”.

The life of an entrepreneur will never be perfect, as i build my empire, i will rise ,fail, learn and be better.

In all ,i choose to enjoy my journey as one…

Yours truly,
 F.O (The Entrepreneur)

P.S Enjoy your journey through the blog here

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