Its safe to say every entrepreneur has a dream ( or should have one) and when you have a dream , you need a team to build with you.
In a case where you have no team , its either you are unable to build or you build really slow and never finish building. In the same vein, if you roll with the wrong team, you can end up with a distorted structure.
The right team is easily make or break in business and the earlier you realize , the better. At the start of your business, it might be difficult to figure but as you go along in business you need to go about team building with alot of intention. Your team should go beyond just your work team, they should include a support system. For most, the support system is more of immediate family, family is important but you need more than just that.
I recently stumbled on a youtube video by Dr Dharius Daniels ( Click to watch) , where he spoke about people you need to grow in life , he placed them in 3 categories
- Value adders – These are people with capacity to provide you with directions that can help shape and improve your life ,e.g mentors . They are very good for self development in areas of your vision.You really need these people and have to go after them.
- Peers – friends
- Assignments – people you can pour yourself into, people that can learn from you.
He reiterated the importance of going after people that make you better not just bigger. I find this to be great advice for continuous and sustainable growth .
At the moment, I feel like i don’t have any real value adders in my life but i am working on it. I had mentors in the past but i have out grown them and need to go after new ones for the phase am in.
The overall plan is to intentionally build relationships and create an enabling environment where my dreams can thrive.
So how are you building your dream team ……..
Your truly,
F.O ( The Entrepreneur )