I dint see 2018 coming !!! Alot has happened and there’s still 5 months to go.
Of all my years on earth, this actually happens to be one i have prepared the most for. I had goals and plans well laid out for the year but alas the unexpected keeps happening and i have had to come up ways to maneuver .
This year, I have been forced to make changes i thought i was not ready for; Personal relationships have been tested but my tenacity has multiplied . So far all the major life changes i have had to make created greater opportunities for growth. My goals remain unchanged but my approach to crisis is different from what it used to be. All that has happened this year has made me realize how our minds can be a major hindrance to growth and development when we refuse to see things differently.
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This excerpt quite sums it up for me, it was shared on a whatsapp group i belong to and i thought to share here. Been engaging with it for over a week now and its been truly impactful.
I hope you find your own message therein….
” Misbelief will most likely lead to misbehave.
Talk is cheap and not too many people walk their talk.
Every point of view is also a point of blindness cause with each point of view is a point of blindness.
When the familiar has become comfortable, the new becomes a threat.
When you want to see a vision, you don’t have to go to the mountain, instead familiarise yourself with the unfamiliar.
When what you have to do to change your perspective becomes hard.., It becomes a problem to look through other perspectives.
Every crisis is a cry for change and an attempt to solve a crisis without an attempt to change will result in greater crisis, patience is a virtue but there’s a limit.
People always say “tough times never last but top people do” but that’s wrong because toughness in the wrong direction would always lead to failure.
You ask and receive not because you ask amidst. Because you pray and pray until something happenes without expanding your view ans changing anything.
Divine promotion is preceded by personal frustration. Your frustration is not a limitation but a preparation for your breakthrough.
We run to God when our foundations are shaking only to realize it’s God shaking our foundations.
You can’t manage tomorrow with the mentality of yesterday,
There is danger in standing still. God said “The steps of the righteous are ordered by the word” you have to take steps or you would not see progress.
You have to gather the ability to read Divine signals.
Everything in life is an inspiration for those who can take wisdom in their understanding.
God is a God of love, he is not a sentimental God. He is not moved by tears especially when the tears are not of or used for his purpose.
You can’t say you’ll fast and fast until something happens, so don’t intimidate God with fasting when he has never eating before.
God says “Come now and let us reason together” Our God is a thinking God. Our ways are not his ways because our thoughts are not his thoughts.
God doesn’t work in steps, he takes quantum leaps. (Abraham was going to sacrifice his son without question) Those who get the best from God would have to be a little mad sometimes. Sometimes you can be too reasonable to be progressive.
Expand your view to expand you life. The limit of your insight is the limit of your progress.
Until you could see the bigness of where you could be, you could never know the smallness of where you are. Until you’re tired of where you are you can never leave where you are.
Expand your views because until you know what is available you may never know what is affordable.
Believe in possibilities, because there are so many of them. Don’t be intimidated, believers rule the world, always raise your sight to lift your life. (Genesis 13;17)
Action is the evidence of conviction, if you don’t act you’re not convinced. Actions rule the world. The world has not sympathy for spectators. Spectators would always have to pay a price to watch actors take their part in life….”
An excerpt from a sermon by Reverend Olukayode Oyedeji. (Click link to watch full video) .
Sometimes, life tests your limits,stretching you beyond what you thought you could take ; your ability to expand and take it all in makes you realize that you are made for more…..